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Meet Rachel Wallins

Executive Coach

Rachel Wallins is a Certified Executive Coach from the NeuroLeadership Institute who specializes in using brain science to drive insight and growth in her clients. She brings almost 30 years of Executive Development experience and over 1000 hours of individual and group coaching to her practice. Her clients range from high potential leaders to C-suite executives from a range of industries including media and entertainment, retail, beauty, public relations, logistics and technology. She is unique in the coaching space in that Rachel combines deep experience, leadership development best practices and a focus on creating new neural pathways in her clients to support higher awareness and real behavioral change.

Rachel’s coaching process begins with identifying a leader’s barriers to high performance (through discovery with the leader and coaching sponsor or 360 assessments) and building tangible, time-bound, metrics-based action plans to support the leader’s success. In subsequent sessions, she and the leader work together to explore these barriers, discover their root cause, and build sustainment activities to break these patterns now and in the future. Examples of her past coaching assignments include helping leaders identify and eliminate emotional triggers that result in non-productive behavior, building executive skills like time management and delegation, and supporting leaders to build stronger relationships with their manager, peers, and team. The goals of the coaching include increasing the leader’s awareness, interpersonal effectiveness, and leadership acumen to drive business results and productivity.

Rachel also provides practical experience and technical expertise in the science and art of building grit and resilience, and can help leaders overcome obstacles, conquer imposter syndrome and activate their true potential.

In addition to being a coach, Rachel works with teams to increase effectiveness through her certifications in seven executive development assessments, including the Hogan, DiSC, EQi and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. She holds a BA in English from the University of Oregon, a Master’s in Adult Education from The Ohio State University and a Post-Master’s certification from The New School.